Saturday, December 27, 2003
Christmas post time! And there was much rejoicing...

actually, short post cause its after midnight and I have to be up and gone at 7am so lol, yeah. Well, Christmas went well, Christmas day was lots of coffee lol, thats awsome..watched Finding Nemo and Seabiscut and just had a relaxing day, Boxing day was amusing as well, family actually all got along, odd. Boxing day is the annual Ashby family Christmas gathering...dreaded by most lol. But it went well, and my cousens engagment was announced to the masses...though I have a hard time finding love for that guy Will, I'm happy for them anyway. Hmm, I think this is turning out to be one of my boaring posts...sorry peeps, just not to thrilling tonight I guess.

Its amusing though, you know what they say about train recks? About how you just can't look away? Well, seems thats kindof been the case around my little spot of the net, people actually read my journal lol...probably to see what retard thing I'll say next to drive myself deeper into the pit I have created...I find it almost amusing though, I have more readers now then I ever much for keeping this board for close friends only :P but thats ok...

I return to good ol Texas tomorrow..I'm kinda excited though I kinda wanted to see James and Bev and Chuck one more time before I left...blah. And I still need to talk to a few peeps and see if we can't work out some sort of peace treaty...well, we'll see how that all goes, so yup, I'm all packed up (about double the stuff I came home with :P)

hmm, so I'm lost on who Yokai is, I once thought it was Cheska..but that might not be so..unless she's trying to throw me off but I doubt might be Kane...I just remember the name Yokai from somewhere...its gonna bug be for a while lol.

speeking of, I'm...confused. Yokai, maybe you can help...whoever you are. Since when did this become a riddle-me-this board? Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for fun and games but honestly, eather say things that make sence or just keep it to yourself cause I'm sick of trying to guess what people mean by things...I ain't playing your game bro/sis...whatever. Again I state, I'm not going to come up with my own meanings to what people causes too much ROAR! Ya know? So yeah, if yeah wanna play riddler..or mysterious person on the tag board...sure, just do it somewhere else k? Cool, now that that happyness is delt with..hmm, what else?

well, meh...good to see ya on the Tag Cheska...another loyal reader...hmm, I'm streching for things to talk about...guess I'll be gone now. Peace

Serving in Faith,
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