Thursday, November 20, 2003
well, yes I do wantto continue the Vision LTE post, and I will try to not let it end up like the ESOAL post :P lol but Rob asked a good question... What are my plans for after the HA

well, I'm comming home. Thats a for sure. As hard as it'll be to leave the people here, I love my country as does God, might be the reason He has called me there.

I'm pretty definate that I'll be doing a second year in the HA. But not here, I'll be a CA (Core Adviser) in the Canadian HA that is starting up soon...I really want to help out with that cause o my goodness this program really starts making you think and act....starts making you think about who you are as a Christian and what you are doing to impact the people around you...the world around you. And I could go on and on but I'll leave it there. During this time I'll be doing some high school OAC courses and whatnot, getting my grades and stuff up the point where I can go to a school like Tyndale in Toronto. Tyndale is a big deal...even down here. IF I can get in there I'm gonna get educated for sure, and my ministry will be one of an educated man. YEY! The vision is to plant myself within the United Church of Canada and help provoke change in certain areas where there is a need for a more biblicly based structure and a need of more structured Christian world view within the Church. And I coud go on and on lol, but I'll keep this short.

during my second year as a CA in the Canadan HA I will be attending my Church back home (The HA will be in Kingston so YEY!) So I'll be trying to perhaps get myself in a lay preature program and stuff lik that as well, we'll see how wise that is to my time managment and my busy life as an Intern. But there is my basic plan for the few years to come. I could go into more debth but, neh.

One of the biggest focuses here is vision, strving for vision, having vision in everything you do. Not just floating through a useless meaningless blerb called life but KNOWING what your going to do and how your going to acheve it, and trusting in God that if your working with His plan for your life in mind then He'll make it happen however crazy it may sound. So yeah...there we go :)

On to my journal for the day :P

Today in class we talked about, ok lost that train of thought....hmm Well in Trailer Club it was about mentoring and having mentors and how its important to us to have mentors to go to, to teach us. How God has placed mentors in our lives to help guide us in the right directions. I thought it was a pretty cool message.

yeah, so haven't done much today...gonna check in on the kitchen soon...see if they need my help, we're real short on people today so hmm...yup gonna do that.

o, one thing I have been feeling and I wanted to kinda get some honest feedback are people feeling back home. About me, about what I'm doing, about how life is going for you, how is your spiritual life going? What has God shown you in the past few months. Thats an awsome question I love asking cause I'm so blessed sometimes by the answers I get. "How are your quiet times going? What has God shown you this week?" One girl I work with has been real touched by God, she has problems dealng with the stresses of everyday life in the kitchen sometimes (understandable) but God totaly spoke to her during her Vision LTE and led her to scripture and whatnot about the joy and the peace of the LORD...and now seeing her in the workplace...actually living out what God let her too is such a blessing to me, cause the Joy and Peace seems to rub off onto others too :) its real cool. So yeah, get back to me with that if ya'll would like :P lol

I'm so excited about comming home, like o my goodness this place is so away from everything its crazy! Going home and being with friends and family is going to be so awsome!! I get home sometime on the 13th! COME VISIT ME!!! I'll get an arival time and people can meet me at the airport! yey!

well, love ya all. I gotta go, peace.
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