Thursday, November 06, 2003
so yeah, I'm kinda being pushed in the direction to start a written journal, I was all "but I have an online one that always not really post in some of the time..." lol so yeah that'll be good for me I think, doesn't mean I'll stop poting here, maybe it'll inspire me to post more in here :) ya never know.

it was amusing, Andy and myself found this random Anime mag in the kitchen and we both got real excited it was kinda amusing. So after we got Mahogony to look over it (kinda an accountability thing my core has started with out sister core to look over the mags before we read them and duct tape over anything we probably don't wanna see in our efforts to keep our eyes pure and to keep us from stumnbling) hehehe so I just thought it was amusing that we got so excited over finding a random manga mag...shows you how deprived we really are here :P

so last night I had this long deep convo with my CA Brett, it was cool...we both got real worked up talking about how famlys in todays age are just breaking down and how we as future fathers can't let this continue so yeah, have I mentioned how awsomely excited I have become to be a father? Like yeah, all in due time and I just hope God doesn't send me the woman I'm to marry till way later in life when I'm ready and prepared and deep into what I wanna do with my life (that now said He'll probably send her sooner, God sometimes has a sence of humor like that :P) and yeah, we just talked about alot of things, about how I've grown, how I have so much more to grow was odd, in the past few weeks I have really learned a few things that have rocked my world.

Like the fact that I have the power of Christ within me, its a hard concept to truly is, and I've never in my life rebuked the enemy in the name of Christ or anything like that cause I never really knew or understood the power that makes its home within me, thats in all who are God's children. It just hit me a few days ago in prayer and worship that I am on the frontlines of the battle between Good and evil, the battle we have already won...why should I fear something that is only death and lies when I have the spirit of life and truth within me?

I've also realized that God has become my focus and thats an awsome thing yes, but a scary realization when you think about going back much as people say they will accept me, in the end I'm a warrior for God and that will forever be my focus, I just pray that God's light wil shine and it'll kinda rub off. I wanna see God's light shine all over back home, in the church, in BOYB, at home, with my friends....all across the country I want to see God's light shine, and if though God I can help bring this about then PRAISE THE LORD!

I was talking to Rob yesterday and he brought up the Movie comming out entitled "The Passion of Christ" this is going to be awsome folks, its a dramatization, a movie that documents the final hours of Christ's life and the crusifixion. everything I have heard about this movie (especialy from Ron Luce who has seen a screening of it and told us about it in class) it sounds powerful. I'm so excited for this...God's going to use this to reach so many people.

o, and I also (while I'm going off in all directions with this post) wanna take a min and tell you guys about this book I'm (supposed to be reading, but just going to class and taking the notes :P) studying that I think as Christians in the 21st century we should all read called "How now shall we live" it talks about Christianityas a worldview and gives Christians the tools they need to have a conversation and really dive deep into the heart of the belief systems of the world, and really describes in great detail how things like communisim and the sexual revolution and ah, so much; how it all came to be and how all all, everything relates back to the one question. God or Nature? Its an awsome book, if you get the chance I urge you to find it and read it cause your world will be flipped upsidedown and you start to understand how the world came to where it is today. And if you read it and disagree with it awsome, I wanna have discussions with people back home about the things stated in this book (I'm looking at you Rob especially caue I know you can give me a good convo about alot of this stuff) so yeah. well I better go eat :P l8rz

Serving in Faith
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