Thursday, November 27, 2003
Here's something I wrote during my Vision LTE:

"when did our Christianity become more about tradition and religion and less about a relationship with our Holy and Awsome Creator? I speak in love that the LORD wants a deep relationship with you!"

who wasI writing this too? meh, no idea...maybe me..maybe others but lets expand on this little tidbit for a little shall we? What is Christianity? Thats the basic question thats been the basic concept of everything here, what is it that makes us stand out? What makes us stand out is our relationship with the one and only God. Thats the differance. Most other "religions" or beliefes are eather based on a fear of a god or wrapped in selfishthinking where you are the one with the power. What makes us uniqe is that we KNOW God, we seek Him, we see Him. If someone asked me how I beleive in a god I can't see I'd tell them I do. Sure not with my eyes, but everytime I pray, everytime I read His word, everytime I look at someone else I see God. Is that odd? Maybe to some but to those of us who have this relationship with God its life. Christ died on the cross so we could come to God, so we could be clensed by the blood and come to have a close relationship with our He has been longing for. One our own heart longs for.

hmm, my mind is kinda mingled, don't really know where I'm going to maybe I'll go take a nap or something lol...convos just getting to me I think...whatever, peace.
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